August 6, 2011 Fraufraulein [Billy Gomberg/Anne Guthrie], Nathan McLaughlin
Studio Z
Graphic guide for echolocation music, with Bill Dixon reference
Nathan McLaughlin's gear for echolocation music
Billy Gomberg's gear/Fraufraulein
Anne Guthrie's battle-scarred French horn/Fraufraulein
September 17, 2011 Jason Zeh/Jason Kahn/Mike Shiflet
set 1 jason zeh
set 2 jason kahn
set 3 mike shiflet
[l to r ] crow/shiflet/zeh/kahn
October 23, 2011 Haptic [Adam Sonderberg/Steven Hess/Joseph Clayton Mills] present a new Michael Pisaro composition, concentric rings in magnetic levitation, for sine tones, radio, piano and percussion
adam sonderberg
joseph clayton mills
steven hess
concentric rings in magnetic levitation [2010/2011]
[c. michael pisaro]
october 23, 2011
studio z
st.paul, minnesota
crow with no mouth promotions was founded in 2011 to bring seldom-heard, vital music to Twin Cities audiences.